Looking to sell a spare upper of mine. Has less than 500 rounds through it. Roscoe barrel is a pre covid sample. Feed ramps have been blended and polished.
- No BCG
- Aero Precision Receiver
- SI polymer dust cover
- Roscoe Bloodline 5.56 11.5 Barrel w/ carbine gas
- Wojtek gas block and PVD gas tube
- 2A Armament BL Rail MLOK
- Dead Air Keymo FH
- Radian SL gray
- Surefire M300 on IWC/Haley Thorntail SBR mount and CD LCS
- BCM foregrip
- No BCG
- Aero Precision Receiver
- SI polymer dust cover
- Roscoe Bloodline 5.56 11.5 Barrel w/ carbine gas
- Wojtek gas block and PVD gas tube
- 2A Armament BL Rail MLOK
- Dead Air Keymo FH
- Radian SL gray
- Surefire M300 on IWC/Haley Thorntail SBR mount and CD LCS
- BCM foregrip
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