WTS Winchester M1 Garand + Sold.

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Winchester M1 Garand FS, serial number in the 3.2 million range with the last 4 digits being 1911. New mildly stripped Dupage Stock. Muzzle wear is .08. The gun is a mix of parts. Excellent shooter. This is a package deal that will include barrel gauge, bayonet & sheath, sling, and ammo. A pretty good pile. I haven’t counted what’s left but there’s at least 500 rounds in bandos, cardboards and enblocks, another 4-500 loose and boxed with extra enblocks. + match + Ap + tracer. Then I have at least 6-700 empty brass and another 4-500 clean brass, was tumbled and ready for the process. Another 900 French, needs to be torn down and put in new brass. Plus the CMP case and certificate for the rifle.

I’d prefer if there is a serious buyer to come and see everything, it’s not something I’d want meet at any parking lot for. It’d take a few to load it all up.

I haven’t had a chance to inventory everything yet but will on Monday.

It’s one heck of a package deal.

Sold takes it all. Sold

My back can’t take the weight or the recoil anymore so it’s the only reason I’m letting it all go. I’m in North Las Vegas.
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