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WTB Wanted: .410 STEEL shot shells - Carson/Reno area

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Location (City)
Carson City, Reno


Well-known member (45 ACP)
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A friend of mine is looking for STEEL (not lead, guys) .410 shotgun shells, says he can't find any right now and I don't have time to look myself. Looking for at least six boxes. Any shot size will work, but will give priority around #6 size. I have cash in hand and can pick up almost any time. Carson or Washoe Valley will get priority, but I generally travel to Reno about once a week, so that would work too depending on timing. Please send me a PM to let me know what you have, how much you want for it, and a phone number to reach you, and I'll be in touch ASAP. Thanks!

Edit: totally forgot to mention, I'm looking for some .45 Colt as well. Same deal as above, got cash in hand.
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