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WTS (Updated 3/24/21) Reloading items and Gun Parts

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Henderson NV
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WTS: (Updated 3/24/21) Reloading items and Gun Parts
Henderson NV.
Pickup location: Smiths shopping (Green Valley Parkway / 215 Fwy) in front of Wells Fargo Bank entrance parking lot. Time/day to be determined.
Note: No trades. Cash only. All forum rules apply. First “I’ll Take it” wins. Items are cross listed at other sites.

WTS the following Items, photos and details below.
1. Tony’s Custom M16 lower parts kit, (1) New
2. Lee 223 die set. (1) New-SOLD T.Y. bcrich
3. SmartReloader Tumbler SR737, (1) Used-SOLD T.Y. Browny
4. Range Brass, 40 CAL, unprocessed, 2,500 pcs.-(PRICE DROP 3/22/2021)
5. Factory Ammo, Armscor Precision 40 Cal S&W, 180 GR. Full Metal Jacket IPSC LOAD = 800 rounds. (PRICE DROP 3/22/2021) SOLD T.Y. Bounce13
6. Projectiles, 180 GR. FMJ 40 CAL S &W - (3 seal cases and 1 open box) = 3,937 pcs. (ADDED 3/23/21)

1. Tony’s Custom M16 lower parts kit – New in original packaging as pictured below = $80.00


Below is snap shot from Tony's Custom web site. For information only what is in the package, i have not opened the package so i can not confirm but that is what it was when i ordered this.

2. Lee 223 die set, New in original case = $35.00- SOLD

3. SmartReloader Tumbler SR737, Used = $10.00-SOLD

4. Range Brass, 40 CAL, unprocessed, 2,500 pcs. = $80.00! (Price drop ,3/22/21)

5. Factory Ammo, Armscor Precision 40 Cal S&W, 180 GR. Full Metal Jacket IPSC LOAD, in box of 50 rounds. A total of 800 rounds, at $60 per100 rounds and the whole lot for $480. (price drop 3/23/21) SOLD

6. Projectiles, 3,937 pcs Armscor Precision 180 GR. FMJ 40 CAL S&W, $120 per 1,000 pcs in sealed box (3 cases), $110 for 937pcs (open box-1 case), the whole lot for $470. (added 3/23/21).
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