Looking to sell my AR 15 5.56, been to the range one time.
Will sell fast.
- Colt Upper - $902.78
- Anderson Lower - $29.99
- CMMG Gun Builders Kit AR15 $49.99
- Troy Carbine Rail 7" Drop-In $179.99
- Magpul CTR Stock Mil-Spec $59.99
- Geissele SSA Trigger $239.99
- Aimpoint Duty RDS $499.99
- BCM Carbine Buffer Tube Kit Mil-Spec $65.00
- BCMGUNFIGHTER Trigger Guard $8.99
- Magpul MOE Grip AR 15 $19.99
- Pinty Hunting Rifle Green Laser Sight Dot Scope Adjustable with Mounts $29.99
- Plus all receipts & parts and box.
- This is fully assembled and operational.
- The total cost of it with tax and no labor is $2,151.26
- Selling it for $1,600.00
- $551.26 dollar discount.
- You pay the transfer fee through the FFL.
Will sell fast.
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