WTS M&P Shield 9 Package

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Lurker (.22LR)
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WTS: Shield 9mm 1.0 with factory white dot sights, thumb safety, upgraded trigger, plus extras:

1) Apex Tactical American Flag limited edition action enhancement trigger shoe and duty/carry kit. All OEM factory trigger parts included.
2) 1-7rnd factory magazine, 5-never fired 8rnd factory magazines, and 1-8rnd factory magazine with +1 Samson Mfg Carry Contour magazine extension. 8 round and 8+1rnd magazines fit magwell with factory sleeves removed. All factory magazine parts included.
3) Samson Mfg Compact Shield magwell.
4) Whiskey River Concealment IWB kydex holster

Available as a package only, will not separate items. Located in Henderson. FTF at your or my FFL.
$550 negotiable. IMG_20210407_170213013~2.jpg IMG_20210407_170554295~2.jpg IMG_20210407_170544829.jpg IMG_20210407_170533433~2.jpg IMG_20210408_103604049.jpg IMG_20210408_103707066~2.jpg
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