Looking for 1 Viva Las Vegas Ticket for Sat 4/17

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Might have one closer to the date. Like the day of. I am a producer for an act playing and might have extra for the weekend. Will not know though for sure until almost day of.
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Might have one closer to the date. Like the day of. I am a producer for an act playing and might have extra for the weekend. Will not know though for sure until almost day of.

Thanks Steve, I agree just trying everything I can. I have a 58 cadi in the car show, so I get a pass...went to buy the wife one (huge stray cats fan) and all sold out. I shoulda known but...

Trying to save my hide! laf.

Keep me in mind if you would. Shoot....Id be happy to trade labor for you if you need a hand moving stuff in, teardown, etc.
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