Looking to get the full-blown Giraud power trimmer. Thought I'd check if anyone had one laying around not being used before I call Doug Giraud this week.
Failing that, I'd also be interested in Giraud Tri-way trimmers (for external drill press) in .30-06 and .308.
I have one sitting in the corner of my work bench. Current setting is for .223 and only trimmed a few hundred cases max (more like a test drive). Will check on it and get back to you.
Looking to get the full-blown Giraud power trimmer. Thought I'd check if anyone had one laying around not being used before I call Doug Giraud this week.
I'd also be interested in Giraud Tri-way trimmers (for external drill press) in .30-06 and .308.
The full blown trimmers are very nice, but the back order on them and cost is kinda ridiculous. I put together a simple version, using post #8 on this link. It was substantially less money and works great. It would also work for the other tri way trimmers you want as well.
I have had one for several years. Use it on 223, 308, 204, 6.5 Grendel, 300 BlkOut and 25-45. Works like a champ, consistent OAL. The one draw back is trimming 300 BlkOut, you need to use padded pliers as cartridge is almost to short to hold on to.