The laser wasn't tuned properly on a recent cutting foray. As a result, all of my little NRA critters (20% scale, suitable for rimfire) ended up with melted metal on the edges, which makes assembly a PITA for me, and makes them ugly enough that they'd require cleanup to look nice.
So, if you're interested in putting in a little bit of elbow grease, these are a hell of a deal. $25, shipped, as weld kits. Normally $55 welded, or $40 as weld kits, plus shipping.
1/4" AR400 is fine for rimfire or standard pistol round such as 9mm, 40S&W, 45ACP. No magnums.
Here's the link to the targets, for those who are intersted.
So, if you're interested in putting in a little bit of elbow grease, these are a hell of a deal. $25, shipped, as weld kits. Normally $55 welded, or $40 as weld kits, plus shipping.
1/4" AR400 is fine for rimfire or standard pistol round such as 9mm, 40S&W, 45ACP. No magnums.
Here's the link to the targets, for those who are intersted.
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