Attention! Posting ads in the Trading Post is now reserved for Forum Supporters & Subscribers only!

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Registered users may still post replies, but going forward, only Forum Supporters, Trading Post Subscribers, and Commercial Sponsors can post new threads/ads.

This applies specifically to the Trading Post!

As of now, this applies to anyone who has earned the green Forum Supporter badge. This may change to an annual pass (meaning annual forum supporter badge starting as early as next year).

What are the reasons for this change?
1. We have a new web host. It costs more. We are a legitimate business (2A Group LLC). We pay government fees and taxes. The forum needs to be financially sound in order to continue.
2. Having to pay a fee cuts down on scammers. Most scammers aren't going to pay money for the opportunity to scam. They will find easier prey that doesn't cost them money.

For more information on becoming a Forum Supporter or Trading Post Subscriber, please visit:

Information regarding existing ads posted by non-Forum Supporters:
The ads will stay. However, the ability to edit the title has been removed. The reason for this to close the potential loop hole that would allow a user to change the title from something for sale now, to something else for sale. To mark something sold, please reply to the post saying it's sold, then use the Report button so Staff can close it.
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