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Hello all!
- Looking to sell my Midwest industries railed gas tube. Shot ones with it and works great. Just wanting to go a different direction with the Saiga. SOLD
- Adapter and buffer tube for AK $80
-safety with bolt hold cutout. $35
- AK trigger kits SOLD
Willing to trade for ammo. 7.62x39, 5.53, 9mm, 357 Sig/357 mag
- Looking to sell my Midwest industries railed gas tube. Shot ones with it and works great. Just wanting to go a different direction with the Saiga. SOLD
- Adapter and buffer tube for AK $80
-safety with bolt hold cutout. $35
- AK trigger kits SOLD
Willing to trade for ammo. 7.62x39, 5.53, 9mm, 357 Sig/357 mag
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