Looking to sell my brand-spanking new Aero Precision AR-15. Never shot and barely even handled. Looking to get ~$900 for the gun/PMAGS and ~$1050 for everything but definitely open to negotiation; especially if you want it all! It is a super solid mid-range gun (I actually have another very similar) and AP is a fantastic manufacturer. Only unloading this one because I got a new woods revolver and the deal with the wife was that I had to sell an AR
Also have about 300 mixed rds of PMC Bronze Hunter and Frontier BTHP Match as well as a nice Scheels soft bag.
Located in N.Nevada (Reno area) and would LOVE to deal locally if possible and avoid shipping but also able to drive a little bit if needed (especially if you live near good upland game before season ends
). Willing to do a partial trade for some .357/.38 special.


Located in N.Nevada (Reno area) and would LOVE to deal locally if possible and avoid shipping but also able to drive a little bit if needed (especially if you live near good upland game before season ends

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