Looking to part out with some of my 5.56 ammo . All Winchester m855 62g green tips. 1000 rounds in 200 round per box x5 boxes in total $450 picked up.
X1 500 round box $225 picked up. Located east ish las vegas near Boulder Station casino .
@@@@X3 150 round boxes 450 rounds total $200 (Sold to mike)@@@@@@@@@@
X2 125 round boxes 250 rounds total $110 @@@ SOLD SOLD SOLD @@@@
All ammo is boxed factory Winchester m855 62 grain.
X1 500 round box $225 picked up. Located east ish las vegas near Boulder Station casino .
@@@@X3 150 round boxes 450 rounds total $200 (Sold to mike)@@@@@@@@@@
X2 125 round boxes 250 rounds total $110 @@@ SOLD SOLD SOLD @@@@
All ammo is boxed factory Winchester m855 62 grain.
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